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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] PageID doesn't exist

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I had the same " wpForo PageID doesn't exist" message but was getting "nothing found" for the forum page until I deactivated and re-activated the plugin. Now the forum displays as expected.

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Thank you, JimM. Your post has solved my problem.

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JimM, You're on the money.  I've been fighting this all morning.  After my 3rd reinstall I read your message and tried it.  Man, that beats the h**l out of uninstalling and reinstalling.

Robert, FYI, wpForo works fine until I add and edit categories and forums.  After that is done and the changes saved, the forum is broken.  JimM's trick is the best way to restore.

And WHATEVER you do, stay FAR AWAY from SQL Executioner - that is, unless you enjoy working with PHP MyAdmin, where you will delete EVERY wpForo ENTRY.

wpForo is the best WP forum around, so long as it works.  I'll continue to test this throughout the day.

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Posted by: Özer Çaylı

Konular eklenmior buton çalışıyor, 

Konu eklenmiyor ve tabii mesaj kutusuda görünmüyor

Menü mobilde çalışmıyor birşeyler eksik galiba


Hi Özer,

This is a conflict with Autoptimize plugin. Please disable HTML and JavaScript Options of optimization, or deactivate this plugin. Autoptimize has option to exclude certain plugins and JS files from optimization, but we tested and it was not success.

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