I have a customer that I'm trying to migrate from phpbb on their old system to their new server into wpforo. I'm not able to get things started from the initial import configuration.
For the phpbb configuration parms, I'm entering the connection information to the old site where phpbb exists. I can connect to that system's mysql server separately (so I know the parms are good), but the tool indicates "no connection". I even added the new server's ip to the mysql remote setup on the old system ... but same result. Since that didn't work, I uploaded the phpbb sql data and folder contents to the new server and now it's showing "Migrate2wpForo Notice: We can't find this board on this system".
Example tried values for Database Host:
- www.customersite.com:3306
- ip of customer site:3306
- <local connection info>
Q1: How can I figure out why there's no connection? (I am a developer and I can insert php code for debugging purposes)
Q2: Where is the message "Migrate2wpForo Notice: We can't find this board on this system" coming from? I'm having difficulty finding that text in the migration plugin files.
Q3: Is there a specific version of phpbb that's required?
Hi @michael-tcr,
First of all, you should import all the phpBB tables to the current DB tables where the wpForo is installed. After that only you should start the migration process. There will not be any issues as WordPress and phpBB use different prefixes. And you can simply remove the phpBB tables as soon as you complete the migration.
Q2: Where is the message "Migrate2wpForo Notice: We can't find this board on this system" coming from? I'm having difficulty finding that text in the migration plugin files.
This message appears if the table prefixes are filled not correctly.
Please read attentively the instructions mentioned on each step of the migration process.