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Profil - Like / Dislike

11 Posts
2 Users
0 Reactions
Posts: 29
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Since several month, when i go to a member profil, it doesn't count anymore the Like / Dislike as shown on this screen capture.

Any idea why?

I already tried several times to clean my cache. I upgraded to the latest version of WPForo.

Thank you

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Please go to wpForo > Tools > Database Tables tab and make sure there is no Database problems.

Also, please let me know if you can like/dislike posts and the likes are saved after next refresh.

As an additional step, go to wpForo > Overview admin page and press the [Update Users Statistics] button


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Thank you @robert 

1) Database says that everything is ok. I even tried to clic on the "Repair" Button.

2) Like/dislike works well Here is an example

3) I have updated the users statistics and than i cleared the cache

But still not working : Here is my page

Any other idea?

It was working fine at the begining and i am not sure when it started to have a problem.

Perhaps the problem started when few month ago I created a second forum with WpForo on the same site.

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This means this user doesn't have likes and he/she has not liked any post.

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This means this user doesn't have likes and he/she has not liked any post.

It was working serveral weeds ago and now every member has 0 Like


For example you can see here that Like/dislike works well Here is an example : you can see that KeiberAcidman and Vinie Liked Dancla 's post

And when you go on Dancla's profile page, he has 0 Like

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1. Use some File Manage (plugin or hosting one) and manually remove /wp-content/uploads/wpforo/cache folder.

2. Then go to wpForo > Overview and click [Delete All Caches] button.

3. If it doesn't help, export the wp_wpforo_reactions table from your database using phpMyAdmin plugin or the same tool from your hosting cPanel, zip it and attach it here.

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Thank you @robert for your help.

I followed your instructions (empty cache folder + Delete All caches button) but it didn't work.

Here are my 2 wp_wpforo_reactions tables. 


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It seems you've mixed boards. There are multiple boards in your forum. So the like data are stored in wrong tables. You forum needs to be re-configured and the database tables should be merged. I'm sorry but this is out of our free support. You should purchase a pro support and ask the pro-support team to manage all your issues giving them all necessary accesses:

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@robert ,


Isn't it more of a forum bug when using the multiple boards function?

I currently have reactions in the 2 database tables (wpforo_reactions and, wpforo_3_reactions) and none of these reactions show up in the user profile.

If, for example, only the reactions in the wpforo_3 table showed up, then I'd agree with you that it might be necessary to merge the data from the 2 tables. But it's not the case none of the reactions show up in the user profile.

So today, even if I merge the data from the 2 reactions tables, given that nothing comes up, it won't change the result.

Besides, normally, via the user profile, the tool should automatically consolidate the reactions from the 2 tables. Why doesn't it? That's why I think it's more of a bug than a data merger problem.

Thanks for your help.

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You shouldn't merge data. Now it would be impossible to understand the problem reading the database. 

This is not wpForo bug for sure. There were database movement from one site to another or something like that and the options/settings  where not moved properly so wpForo had to create another board automatically. So this is a website migration issue or data manipulation problem. Now your forum is pointed to wrong board and it use data from wrong tables. The data should be migrated to the main wpforo tables (the ones without _3 or _2 or such prefixes) and the only activate board should be the one with boardid=0 value in wpForo > Boards admin page.

After all these manipulations all kind of caches should be deleted:

1. wpForo Cache in wpForo > Overview admin page

2. /wp-content/uploads/wpforo/cache folder in the file system.


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I really think this is a foro bug for 2 main reasons:
1) I've never worked on the database: No queries were made.
2) The creation of a 2nd forum was a voluntary operation that I carried out using WPforo's forum administration tool. I don't want to merge the 2 forums, as they are 2 very distinct forums. Wpforo didn't "automatically create a new board": I voluntarily added a new forum. I think the Wpforo bug occurred when I added the 2nd forum.

I understand it's not easy to debug.
