I have set up my wpforo in my website, and got all colors matching, except for the white numbers, then realized that the Q&A layout wasn't displaying correctly.
It all looks condensed on my site. Please take a look at the attached image.
FYI, my theme has compressed the forum, everything else looks fine except this part. I don't know if its the theme, or what can I do?
How do I fix it?
,Please leave your forum URL to allow us to check it.
This is a local server site. there is no online domain yet.
If you look at the attached image, you can see Votes, Answers, Views - topic title, and Replies display differently than how they are supposed to. It seems to only apply to 'Recent Questions' display.
I want it to display like this site.
I have checked, and it's not the width of my entire site that's causing the issue.
Hi theo,
This is a conflict with other plugins or with the active theme. Please deactivate other plugins, delete all cache and check it. If it works, activate plugins one by one and find the conflict maker plugin. Please let us know the result.
Hi @theo,
Please leave your forum URL to allow us debug CSS conflicts and find some solution for you.