I want the part of the post with the white letters that is visible ,
under the topic title not to be visible.
I think this is what you are looking for?
Set Extended Layout - Recent posts to "Expanded"
Set Extended Layout - Number of Recent posts to "1"
Set Recent Posts Display Type to "Topics"
Recent posts will look like this: https://prnt.sc/ltx9mz
Forum view will look like this: https://prnt.sc/ltxap2
I want to hide answers of the topics only in widget of the recent posts.
And i will explain you why,
if there you wait for a resonance from someone , yes or no, for example,
you will read it on the widget and you will no click it, so ,
if you ckick it maybe you reply too.
This means less pageviews and less time on site, so less ranking.
I don't recall there being filters for the sidebar widgets. You could try hiding the reply text with CSS.
#wpf-widget-recent-replies .wpforo-list-item-right p.posttext {
visibility: hidden;}
This should go to the widget?
in the custom css code in styles didnt work