Also, please leave a direct link to that thread.
<?php if( WPF()->perm->forum_can('vf') && WPF()->perm->forum_can('enf') ): if( $forum = WPF()->current_object['forum'] ) : ?> <div class="wpf-subforum-sep" style="height:20px;"></div> <div class="wpf-head-bar"> <div class="wpf-head-bar-left"> <?php wpforo_forum_title($forum, '<h1 id="wpforo-title">', '</h1>') ?> <?php wpforo_forum_description($forum, '<div id="wpforo-description">', '</div>') ?> <div class="wpf-action-link"> <?php WPF()->tpl->forum_subscribe_link() ?> <?php wpforo_feed_link('forum'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="wpf-head-bar-right"> <?php wpforo_template_add_topic_button() ?> </div> <div class="wpf-clear"></div> </div> <?php if( WPF()->perm->forum_can('ct') ) WPF()->tpl->topic_form($forum); if( $topics = WPF()->current_object['topics'] ) { wpforo_template_pagenavi('wpf-navi-topic-top'); include( wpftpl('layouts/' . $forum['cat_layout'] . '/topic.php') ); wpforo_template_pagenavi('wpf-navi-topic-bottom'); do_action( 'wpforo_topic_list_footer' ); }else{ ?> <p class="wpf-p-error"> <?php wpforo_phrase('No topics were found here') ?> </p> <?php } endif; else : ?> <p class="wpf-p-error"> <?php if(is_user_logged_in()): ?> <?php echo apply_filters('wpforo_no_forum_access_message_for_users', wpforo_phrase("Your user level does not have appropriate permission to view the content", false)); ?> <?php else: ?> <p><?php echo apply_filters('wpforo_no_forum_access_message_for_guests', wpforo_phrase("You do not have permission to view the content", false) . '<br>'. wpforo_get_login_or_register_notice_text()); ?></p> <?php $ForumID = (int)wpfval(WPF()->current_object, 'forum', 'forumid'); ?> <?php if( $ForumID === 11 ): ?> <p>[Buy Now] button for forum ID #11</p> <?php elseif( $ForumID === 8 ): ?> <p>[Buy Now] button for forum ID #8</p> <?php elseif( $ForumID === 10 ): ?> <p>[Buy Now] button for forum ID #10</p> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> </p> <?php endif;
The above code is inside the topic.php
I am also attaching the screenshot in the sequence for you to understand... I am creating the website in a subdomain called... and will move the developed site to
Also, please leave a direct link to that thread.
How do i do it... Are you asking the url for the page? if so, I have below...
Click on the Color Thereaphy , will take you to the below link... the forum thread
I don't understand why it's so hard to put the topic.php file in a correct directory?
I've asked you to create /wpforo/ folder in the active WordPress theme folder and put the topic.php in that folder why have you created /wpf-themes/ and /classic/ folders in the active theme folder??
The modified topic.php file should be directly in /wpforo/ folder:
Hi Robert,
I have updated the code, and i am unable to fix the issue of payment button.
I am attaching the screenshot for your reference.
As guided, I have moved the folder to the below location
Thanks a lot, I will send the details in the email.