I've got this new wpforo forum, https://www.myeurohobby.eu, which is part of a MultiSite with 3 other webshops.
When I try to obtain a new password as a user (on https://www.myeurohobby.eu/?foro=lostpassword ), I get redirected to the main website in WordPress/Woocommerce: https://www.euronotes.be/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword
I searched this forum, but cannot find a solution. I indeed see in the code that the euronotes.be URL appears.
How can I fix this so that forum members can reset their password directly on wpforo in stead of redirecting?
Settings on relevant points in attachment. No custom URL's set
Thx in advance for your help!
Hi @mathieuv85,
Could you please disable the last two options in your attached screenshot?
The for your reply.
I just tried this, but I arrive directly to the main webshop reset password page.
I would need a nice page like this: https://wpforo.com/community/?foro=lostpassword , and when I click 'Reset Password', it should get back to the wp foro login page: https://wpforo.com/community/?foro=signin
But when I click 'Reset password' on my site, it redirects to my Euronotes.be webshop in stead of the wp foro login page...
Hi @mathieuv85,
I apologize for the late response.
The issue is fixed in the 1.8.0 version, please see the changelog here: https://wpforo.com/community/wpforo-announcements/wpforo-1-8-0-is-released/
So please update the plugin to the latest version(v. 1.8.2) and check again, there should not be such an issue.
First of all, thank you very much for this fix!
I am glad to let you know that the problem is fixed! Thx!