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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Search menu view

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Hi, I have a problem on the view of the search menu in Wpforo on mobile (iOS and Android ); we use perennial theme ; this is the screen shot of the issue; when we search we can’t view the result ( the coloumn  is too wide)

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This is a conflict with your theme or with other plugins. wpForo doesn't have such a problem on mobile. So there is no a general solution or bug-fix for this. We could debug it for your website and suggest some CSS if you leave a URL. 

wpForo search page looks like this on mobile, and it works fine on all our tested mobile devices:

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@martin thank you.....the url is

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@massimo ,

I'm sorry but we cannot check it. You don't have any public topic, so we could search and see the problem. Please create at lease tone public topic in the only public forum "DIAGNOSI VEICOLI".

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@robert ok, done; inserted the public  topics; thanks!

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Screenshot with public topics 

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@massimo ,

The topics are not public. When I click on some topic it redirects me to the login page. It seems you've disabled the "Can enter topic" permission in the Read Only forum access. Just logout, then test as guest before asking as to check it.

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@robert a thousand excuses......done..... non are public.....i check it

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Ok, thank you. I just checked and didn't find any issue:

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ok@robert thanks, but when i use the forum in my iPhone with Safari or Google Chrome i see the image below ....... 😪

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@robert instead if i turn the phone you se well( on my iPhone 5 ) .... thanks for Support 👍

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@massimo ,

What iPhone version you use?

Also, can you check the search page of our forum:

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@robert my iPhone is an iPhone 5 but i also have issue with Android phone; with your forum the result is perfet, is ok; ....

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@robert do you know a WordPress  theme 100% compatibile and test ed with wpforo on mobile and desktop?

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Almost all WordPress themes are compatible with wpForo. In most cases, the theme has zero impact on the forum page. So there is no compatibility issues. Just play with some themes and check if you see any differences.