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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Some suggestions for v. 1.1.1

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Thank you Robert!

I will wait for these improvements! And I think other people too. I know shared-hostings, where exists limit on a number of queries to DB per day. This could be a serious problem for sites which would like to use wpForo.

First time you said that you see only 14 queries, so the cache of wpForo works, but in "query monitor plugin" I always see all queries? What is wrong?

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Hi guys!

I would like post yet one portion of bugs:

1. Additional spaces in titles. Is it ok?

2. Empty second page:

I setuped settings: 10 posts per page, but if topic has 3 answers and 15 comments on first page you will see a pagination (on image 2 pages):

If you click on button Next page the second page will be empty:

3. I use on site plugin WP-Polls and would like to give possibility my users to insert in post on forum their polls with shortcode (I use layout 3 - Q&A). I modified
file: post.php /layout 3
line: 53

<?php echo wpforo_content_filter( wpforo_kses($post['body'], 'post') ) ?>

replace to:

<?php echo do_shortcode(wpforo_content_filter( wpforo_kses($post['body'], 'post') )) ?>

4. Some wpForo editor modification (I needed additional buttons: subscript, superscript, charmap, table, preview). For this:

- download attached file.
- unpack 3 .js files to wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-assets/js/
- in file wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-includes/class-template.php add after row:

$plugin_array['wpforo_source_code_button'] = WPFORO_URL . '/wpf-assets/js/tinymce-code.js';


$plugin_array['wpforo_table_button'] = WPFORO_URL . '/wpf-assets/js/tinymce-table.js';
$plugin_array['wpforo_charmap_button'] = WPFORO_URL . '/wpf-assets/js/tinymce-charmap.js';
$plugin_array['wpforo_preview_button'] = WPFORO_URL . '/wpf-assets/js/tinymce-preview.js';

modify row:

return array('hr','lists','textcolor');


return array('hr','lists','textcolor','charmap');

find (2 times)

'toolbar1' => 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,forecolor,bullist,numlist,hr,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,alignjustify,link,unlink,blockquote,pre,undo,redo,source_code',

and change to:

'toolbar1' => 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,superscript,subscript,charmap,forecolor,bullist,numlist,hr,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,alignjustify,link,unlink,blockquote,table,pre,undo,redo,source_code,preview',

Now we have more useful editor 🙂

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5. User can save empty post. I think you need to add a check for post length and disable Save button by default and enable this button if post length > 1 (exclude spaces, for example by trim() function).

6. Also, please add in next versions two user functions:

- Last posts
- Last topics

Current widgets Last posts and Last topics display all relevant items which are not related to active user. In other forum engines besides these functions there are also another functions which output last posts and topics added on forum from last user login relative to active user. This options are very useful.

Thank you

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7. Search suggestions.

- I can send empty query (empty search field). This is not very good - all posts in results.
- I can not search by full phrase. Search engine always search by all words. This is also not very good.

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