Dec 01, 2023 2:26 am
Hi all!
I recently started getting an error that reads "Sorry, you're not allowed to view this page" when trying to access the database troubleshooter. I tried contacting Wordpress support and they couldn't solve it. Tried checking my privileges and I am in an admin account. Restoring my site from a backup when this error didn't occur hasn't helped and disabling plugins hasn't helped either.
Wordpress support is adamant that this is a wpForo issue since it's the only place I see this issue.
2 Replies
Dec 01, 2023 8:19 am
Hi, no issues like that in wpForo, probably some security plugin you use is the cause of it.
Google it
Dec 01, 2023 1:23 pm
Hi @jimmy63
So, please take a screenshot of the entire screen to allow us to see the design where you encountered this type of message.