Hi Everyone. I type and come in Peace. 🙂
I am trying to understand the question of the original poster, @GamingWisp
Posted by: GamingWisp
"im trying to figure out how to make sub categories. im doing a very detailed forum where every category can break down 3-4 times. rather than doing sub topics i would rather do sub categories. is this possible with this forum plug-in?"
and WHY? Because ...
Posted by: GamingWisp
"i have a valid reason for doing this, i shall explain. I want the main category to be "gaming" then under that i want different games. Lets use 2 games for example. League of Legends and World of Warcraft. I dont want people to be able to post in these. Instead i want them to choose from a sub forum of these games. Sub forums could be north america and europe since they cant play together in game. No point having their posts clutter eachother. Perhaps you have a better idea to seperate communities?
So, MY SUGGESTION is... (in an 18 step checklist):
Using your post, Lets use 2 games for example. League of Legends and World of Warcraft.
1. Go to the Forum Dashboard,
2. then Add New Forum
3. Create a wpForo "Category"
4. Use as Category - check the box
5. then Category layout, select "Extended"
6. and name it "League of Legends"
7. Under that, Create a "Forum" and name it "League of Legends"
8. And then create subforums under that, example
"subforum 1. North America"
"subforum 2. Europe"
"subforum 3. Asia"
9. Then click the "Save forums order and hierarchy" at the bottom of the page.
10. So, now you have, for example:
Forum ID | Forum Name |
00 | League of Legends | (Blue - Category)
01 | League of Legends | (Forum)
02 | "subforum 1. North America" |
03 | "subforum 2. Europe" |
04 | "subforum 3. Asia" |
Notice the corresponding Forum ID created on the left of your newly created Forum and subforums? We will use that later.
11. Then create your second Game community, "World of Warcraft"
12. And then create subforums under that, example:
"subforum 1. North America"
"subforum 2. Europe"
"subforum 3. Asia"
13. Then click the "Save forums order and hierarchy" at the bottom of the page.
14. So now your Forum Dashboard would look like this:
Forum ID | Forum Name |
00 | League of Legends | (Blue - Category)
01 | League of Legends | (Forum)
02 | "subforum 1. North America" |
03 | "subforum 2. Europe" |
04 | "subforum 3. Asia" |
05 | World of Warcraft | (Blue - Category)
06 | World of Warcraft | (Forum)
07 | "subforum 1. North America" |
08 | "subforum 2. Europe" |
09 | "subforum 3. Asia" |
Notice the corresponding Forum ID's on the very left? We will get to that and use that later. Not just yet. 🙂
15. Now create a New WP Web Page, and name it "League of Legends"
16. Then just type the item shortcode below on the page (the id="01" is from the above forum and the corresponding Forum ID we created, this is where we use it - tweak it according to your own forum id number):
[wpforo item="forum" id="01"]
17. For your other World of Warcraft community, create another New WP Web Page, and name it "World of Warcraft"
18. Then just type the item shortcode below on the page (the id="06" is from the above forum and the corresponding Forum ID we created, this is where we use it - tweak it according to your own forum id number):
[wpforo item="forum" id="06"]
So THAT, in my own little detailed opinion, is how you can separate your community in different forums. 🙂
Shortcut: Just create the above item shortcodes in different new webpages. 🙂
Posted by: GamingWisp
"I dont want people to be able to post in these. Instead i want them to choose from a sub forum of these games. Sub forums could be north america and europe since they cant play together in game. No point having their posts clutter eachother. Perhaps you have a better idea to seperate communities?"
Also, you might also want to disable the breadcrumbs, if you don't want posting from different communities and just create a new Top Menu to link to these specific pages you created for your separate communities. To disable the Breadcrumbs:
Go to Forum Dashboard
Features tab
then under
"Show Breadcrumb"
Select NO
While @Anonymous20 mentioned it was a "bad design" I think it's meant to be an honest feedback as to the possible complexity of setting it up - because if one is new at this, it may get complicated with that design - unless someone in the community takes the time to type and participate in the forum and points one to the specific steps on how to do it, or where in the documentation or codes to tweak it.
wpForo has fantastic documentation, I suggest you also familiarize yourself with it - that's how I set up my own forum too, just reading the documentation (translating it in my head into my native language so I can understand it and apply it), and if I don't find answers to my questions there, I do a "search" on the wpforo Search box. But the wpForo, actually just works great, out of the box! 🙂
I hope this lengthy post helps you or someone else. English also, is NOT my primary language, and so if you find any grammatical errors, we all can blame my English teacher. 🙂
As I was typing these suggestions, I also tested it first, so I know it works on my forum. (Disclaimer, I have my own simple WP theme, and I also have very minimal plugins).
Good luck and God bless you!
This wpForo plugin is amazing! 🙂
P.S. @Anonymous20, I do not know you but a lot of your posts here when I was starting to study and install my own wpForo was helpful, so thank you as well, I hope you stay and still be part of this wpForo community. And thank you to @Robert and @Sofy and everyone as well who provide amazing helpful tips here for everyone!
Peace on earth! Virtual High Five everyone! 🙂