I would like to have a forum on a local network with a local server. I have set up a LAMP server on a Raspberry PI. A default wordpress page is running on it correctly. I have installed wpforo, without any errors, but when I try to open any sub-menus, like Members, or a concrete forum, then the same error page appears (see attachment).
What am I doin wrong?
Thank you in advance!
Make sure you set SEO friendly permalinks like /%postname%/ in Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks admin page. wpForo doesn't work with the default ?p=1 mode. Also make sure the mod_rewrite moduleis enabled on your Apache server. More info: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/wpforo-installation/server-requirements/
Also try with http://localhost/... instead of IP's, don't forget to change it in Dashboard > Settings admin page as well.