Hello all,
I have an issue that I tried to fix but no sign of hope.
After I logged in with my admin account, the bar has no longer there when I try to create a new topic. However, if I logged in with another account, the bar is there. Can you please help with this issue? The picture attached below shows how I see on the screen.
One more thing, I want to organize my posts/topics from the oldest date to the newest. Is there a way for me to do that?
Thank you so much for your time.
Hi @kate,
After I logged in with my admin account, the bar has no longer there when I try to create a new topic. However, if I logged in with another account, the bar is there. Can you please help with this issue?
Please delete all caches press CTRL+F5A(twice) on the frontend and check again.
Also please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard click on "Delete User Cache" and "Delete All Caches" button.
if you have a cache plugin installed, please delete those plugin caches as weel and check again.
One more thing, I want to organize my posts/topics from the oldest date to the newest. Is there a way for me to do that?
I'm really sorry but there is no option to change the order.
However in this support topic, Robert provides a solution, you can try it: