Indeed it has been. I got in touch with my service providers who notified me that the issue was with the wpforo-embeds plugin I have installed; they've deactivated it for now which is why it's running normally.
They've asked me to consult with the developers of wpforo with regards to what's causing the timeout issue.
I've had no response from support for a while with regards to this issue and am naturally a bit concerned.
As explained in my previous post, wpforo Embeds is preventing a certain thread from loading, generating a 504 Gateway Error most of the time, while severely slowing down forum thread load time in other cases.
The issue was found by my service provider who notified me to consult with you, the developers of the addon, if I were to continue using wpforo embeds. I've reactivated it for now since members regularly post video/image content.
Should I create a separate issue for the wpforo embed issue?
I doubt the problem is wpForo embed plugin. Maybe it is a conflict of that plugin with an other plugin you run.
The only way to find out is to disable your plugins one by one, except wpForo & wpForo plugins.
I've had no response from support for a while with regards to this issue and am naturally a bit concerned.
As explained in my previous post, wpforo Embeds is preventing a certain thread from loading, generating a 504 Gateway Error most of the time, while severely slowing down forum thread load time in other cases.
The issue was found by my service provider who notified me to consult with you, the developers of the addon, if I were to continue using wpforo embeds. I've reactivated it for now since members regularly post video/image content.
Should I create a separate issue for the wpforo embed issue?
I think this is Embed URL specific issue. wpForo Embeds works fine on all your topics excerpt the one in example. It seems you have a one specific URL in this topic. Could you please share it, what was embedded in the topic?
Please note, wpForo Embed allows to load 3rd party widgets, players and images to your forum, this is 3rd party content provider issue if it becomes slow or if it is not loaded. wpForo Embeds addon just replaces URL to Embed HTML/Iframe. So this addon has no chance to bring serious issues to your forum. All issues is embedded URL specific or content provider specific issues.
Also, wpForo turns one WordPress oEmbed system, it's not a light system and may a little slow your website. Try to disable it.
The thread itself contains majorly GIF format posts; I'm guessing then one of those GIF's might be causing the issue?
Yes, that's can be the reason. You can turn the oEmbed on, just check the embedded data, sometimes they maybe very heavy and problematic.