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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Time zone Bug

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Members choosing New York as their time zone have their timestamps display as GMT. If they choose a different EDT time zone such as Toronto then the time stamps are correct.

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Actually most of the profile time zones seem to result in incorrect timestamps.


FWIW our server, PHP and WP are all set to America/Chicago and we do have PECL timezonedb installed.

And it happens on here too.

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So, you mean the GMT timezones don't work for US users? Could you please test it here?

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Robert the easiest way to check would be to set the timezone in your profile to New York and reply here, you will see that the post timestamp will be GMT rather than UTC-4/5


See attachment, it should be 00:33, not  04:33 which is GMT

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Had time to do some debugging.

The following locations selected in account settings will show timestamps as UTC time instead of their correct offsets: New York; Los Angeles; San Juan Argentina; La Paz; Costa Rica; Buenos Aires, Puerto Rico. I did not test every location but these should be enough to show a pattern.

The pattern is, when selecting the above time zone locations in WPforo they do not pull through to the Wordpress user profile, instead what happens is those locations default to Abidjan (which is a UTC/GMT time zone) in the Wordpress user profile . 

Edit: I have set my timezone here to New York so that you can see for yourself in my Wordpress user profile that it defaults to Abidjan.



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