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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Title Font and Hyper Links

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I would like to fix the font weight in my forum window.  For some reason it is very heavy and I cannot change it using something like CSS Hero.

I also have to change the font in header section when replying to forum posts.

Also I would like to change the color of hyperlinks when pasted in the forum.  The hyperlinks are the same color as the normal font, so a user does not know it is an actual hyper link. 

I have attached pictures below. 

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header font issue

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Hyperlink colors here

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I would like to add, that everything looks fantastic on a cell phone, but it just doesn't look that great on a computer screen for one reason or another.

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First please find the problem maker. It's a plugin or the theme. wpForo doesn't have such style.

  1. Change the theme, delete all caches, press Ctrl+F5 on forum front and check it.
  2. Disable all plugins, delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5, then activate those back one by one and find the problem maker. After each activation you should press Ctrl+F5 again to reload new CSS files.