I'm using wpforo on turmadopeito.com.br and I created 27 forums in Brazilian states and 5603 subforums. I'm using the Threaded layout in the parent forums as a category and so it's not possible to include topics in them, you have to choose the subcategory. I would like to know if there is a way to enable the inclusion of topics in the state's parent forums. Another thing is that the forum registration page in the Wordpress administration is not loaded due to the high number of registrations, how can I solve this?
Please don't get me wrong, but 6000 forums / subforums is a recipe for dissaster. Both in performance and also for user experience/interface.
I would like to know if there is a way to enable the inclusion of topics in the state's parent forums.
Please let me know what do you mean saying this.
People can create topic after clicking and entering to one of the sub-forums and create a new topic without selecting any subforum. I mean something like this: https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/
This is a subforum page, you can click the [Add Topic] button and create it.