Hi Everyone!Β Wanted to share this with the Community here.Β Β We have been trying to figure this issue out, took us 12 hours! The solution was right there and we didn't see it!Β Sharing it here in case someone bumps into a similar issue.Β
Topic Pagination Disappears On Threaded Layout - Update Database and Plugin Conflict Report
LAYOUT:Β Β Threaded Layout
BROWSERS TESTED: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari
ISSUE: When logged in, Administrators and Moderators cannot view the Pagination, (or the Page Navigation, Page Numbering) .Β Β Guests (logged out) and Members can see it, while logged in.
TECHNICAL MANPOWER HOURSΒ Β SPENT ON THIS: 12 Hours among 4 people! LOL!Β (2 Admins, 1 Moderator, 1 Member)
Guests and Members View:

Admins and Moderators View (no pagination displays):

Our Threaded Layout Forum Settings:

The SOLUTION we found for our own forum installation:
As tech people, we knew the Clear the cache, clear cookies on our test device, browsers, servers, Delete Cache, Debug, and all that jazz.Β And we do not want to report bugs to the developers without thoroughly testing it first, whether it is indeed a bug or not.Β So we took these screenshots to report this, because it "seemed like a bug".Β
We were about to switch back our Layout from the Threaded Layout to the Extended Layout, since we also double-checked, the pagination displays for all user access on the Extended layout, for the Forums with "Read Access".Β
My Admin noticed there was a WordPress Update that prompted him to "UPDATE the Database" ... so he just ONE CLICKED this.Β
And voila!Β The pagination appeared for Admins and Moderators!Β

So the Morale of the story is:Β ALWAYS take screenshots of the EXACT issues you are seeing, because you might discover that it MIGHT NOT BE wpForo, it MIGHT BE something along the lines of the methodologies below:
1) Your apparatus - your laptop or mobile device.Β So take screenshots of the error that you see,
2) CLEAN your cookies, CLEAN your Cache.Β
3) Then on the Server Side, go to your Forum Dashboard > Under "Forum Maintenance", "Delete All Caches", Β (we actually clicked EVERYTHING on the Forum Maintenance")
4) We knew it wasn't our own WP Theme, no updates needed on that.
Β 5) We knew it wasn't our plugins (because we have very minimal plugins).Β
so ... it was my Admin who noticed the bigger picture ... WORDPRESS!Β
6) Wordpress / Automattic had a prompt that said "Your Database needs updating" ...
I guess BECAUSE wpForo is updated, my database was not, and it was easy to overlook because we were so focused on the Forum and the Forum Dashboard.Β
So if you are not seeing your Pagination, check out your WORDPRESS Dashboard, for any PROMPTs that tells you that "Your Database needs updating". It's a "One Click" thing.
I wrote this here, and will share this too, in the hopes that the "Forum Search" would catch these terms I've typed here, so before anyone complains "BUGS!", they can do these steps too, and spare the Support Team the time to try to recreate the issue.Β Β Β Screenshots are helpful for ANY developer .Β
Then the pagination disappeared again and we noticed it was a conflict with the new plugin called "WooCommerce Admin"Β (it's different and separate from the WooCommerce Plugin).Β We noticed that when we "installed it in the Plugins" - even if still on "deactivated mode" - it also caused the pagination to disappear, so we just deleted it from our plugins altogether.Β So the Forum Topics Pagination displays again.Β As it should.Β Β

I hope this helps someone.Β (Also I hope that it saves someone 12 hours of trying to figure out what is causing it.Β Life is short.Β π )Β Β We noticed all these because we are using the "Recent Posts" Forum Menu for our own testing and "Recent Posts" widget, and one member said the "paged" navigation" do not display. This is important to have for forums with a lot of responses on topics. (Since the lack of the pagination only displays the first 10 Replies)

(Disclaimer:Β This is what we did on our specific forum installation.Β It might not work for others, because each Wordpress Installation has its own set of different plug-ins installed, created by many different developers, and cannot realistically be tested in all possible and different "specific use" case scenarios.)Β Β
Tags: Pagination, Page Navigation, Page Numbering, Topic Page Navigation, Topic Post Navigation, Threaded Layout, WooCommerce Database update, WooCommerce, Woocommerce Admin Plugin conflict