I installed the plugin Forums — wpForo
I try to translate into Russian using plugin Loco
The translation is not complete, some of the inscriptions are not translated into Russian.
Я установил плагин 11
Пробую перевести на русский язык с помощью плагина 22
Перевод получается не полный, некоторые надписи не переводятся на русский язык.)
The required inscriptions remain in English.
I enter the original name in KEY, in the column VALUE Russian translation and save.
As a result, the value still remains in English.
What am I doing wrong?
Hi zetmouse,
Please don't add new phrase if a phrase exists. Please remove all duplicated phrases, just edit the existing phrase and set Russian value. This is designed especially for such case and for translation. The problem comes from duplicated phrases, there should be only one phrase and the value should be Russian.
We'll check the PO/MO issue soon, but at the moment you can use wpForo Phrase system as I mentioned above.
Ok, edit and change the value of "Find a Member" to Russian and check it please.