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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Trouble with new registrations

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New registrations are not working well.


1. When a new person want's to register to make a comment there is only the option to "Login" which takes them to the WP login page with no option to register.

2. There is a password reset issue as well causing users to have to reset twice. Here's what happens:

a) A user gets the confirmation email and clicks through to "reset password" WP page (this is misleading and should be "set password") and is asked to put in a password.

b) when the password is put in a notice comes up "Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below" (see screenshots)

c) So the user puts in the username and asks for a reset - when clicking on the link in the next email the user is presented with a "Enter your new password below" page.

d) When the password is reset again the user is then taken to the WP login page and has to log in.

e) Once logged in the user is taken to the WP Dashboard to enter more details (my testers say this is disorientating and if not familiar with WP back-end would feed they are on the wrong site - and have to find themselves to the actual site)


Now I've tried to trouble shoot it myself but I can't get the site to now send back password setup link. Have tried a number of new emails/identities.

We are on a multisite - not sure if this makes a difference.

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Posts: 1861
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi @matthewdahlitz,

1. When a new person want's to register to make a comment there is only the option to "Login" which takes them to the WP login page with no option to register.

In the Login page, there is also the "Create Account" button. So if you don't have the account yet you can simply create it. See the screenshot below:

2. There is a password reset issue as well causing users to have to reset twice.

Please send the admin login details to info[at] email address. The developers check it for you.