I'm getting complaints from users about these emails that are automatically sent with every topic posted, reply made:
Hello Lori Sawaya!
Thank you for subscribing.
This is an automated response.
We are glad to inform you that after confirmation you will get updates from - Screen Recommendation.
Please click on link below to complete this step.
Confirm my subscription
They want the option of subscribing if they choose and do not want to be automatically subscribed - and then being forced to unsubscribe to make the emails stop.
Is there a way to turn off these emails somewhere in the settings?
Hi, I think should be in "forum-settings-emails"
It seems you've enabled the "Topic subscription option on post editor - checked/enabled option". It's located in the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab. Just disable the option. More info here: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/wpforo-settings/features/#topic-subscription
Literally looked everywhere but there. 🤪
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction - much appreciated.