I have received reports from our members that there is some 'bad' English appearing when not logged in on the mobile version of the forum. I have attached a screenshot for to highlight it.
To correct it you could rework the message to say:
"You do not have permission to view this page, please register or login to access the forum."
I hope this helps 🙂
Hi TonyShark,
This is already fixed this in next version. However we've created a separate phrase system to allow you change or do a quick translation of any phrase you want. You can manage all wpForo phrases in Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page. If you don't find any phrase, you should add it. The Key should be the exact English version as you see on forum, the value should be your version.
Sorry for the late reply, Thanks a lot Robert. This really helps 🙂
Keep up the good work!