Since last update I noticed the following issue.
I have the "someone has mentioned you" notification set as this
Ciao [mentioned-user-name],
sei stato menzionato nella discussione "[topic-title]" da [author-user-name].Per vedere la discussione visita: [post-url]
Se non desideri più ricevere notifiche per questa discussione → [unsubscribe_link]
But in the notification that the user receives the unsubscribe link is not working (see https://nimb.ws/FJdHmW)
Is this because in the "someone has mentioned you" notification there is not supposed to be an unsubscribe link or is it a bug?
Thank you
Hi @nican,
Please see the screenshot. The User Mentioning email template doesn't have [unsubscribe_link] shortcode. Please remove it. The mentioning is not a subscription, there is no unsubscribe link for this action. We'll add a button in user profile page to mute mentioning in future releases.