I've just installed wpforo and it's sort of working.
First issue is I don't want guests to see anything but I can't see where I associate usergroups with forum access types.
I can see from Settings -> Forum Accesses that Guests have Read only access but I can't see where to move them to No access.
A nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.
You should set Accesses to Usergroups for each Forum. Just edit the forum and manage Usergroup - Access settings, set it Guest <> No Access:
By default all forums permissions are set Guest <> Read Only.
For quick setting you can edit the Read Only access and disable all permissions. So you'll not have to edit each forum and set No Access for Guests.
Many thanks.
Is there some way to make this a default for new forums?
Please explain what do you mean saying "this" and "new forums". if yo create a new forum all settings are on the right sidebar, that's not hard to change before saving the forum.
Sorry for delay.
I just want to make sure that it's fail safe so the default permission for new groups is everyone has no access. Then all access has to be explicitly granted.
Thank you.