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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] user id=0 and encrypted ip address in wpforo_visits table

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wpforo version 1.6.5; wordpress version 5.3.2

I'm seeing what looks like weird activity in my wpforo_visits table.  I don't know if it's normal or not.  I see an entry with a user id of 0 and an encrypted ip address.  It seems to happen after a new post is created on the forum (see attached screenshot).  Is this behavior expected?


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Hi @chs2019,

All is correct, the entries with userid =0 are guest visitors, they dont have userids so we use their ip addresses for tracking.

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Why is the ip address encrypted?  Is there a way to figure out what it is in the standard format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn?   I've had some suspicious activity in my log files & I'm trying to correlate it by ip address.  This is supposed to be a private forum, so there shouldn't be any guest access.


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I'm sorry but there is no way to stop hashing IP addresses, unless you can edit the core file /wpforo/wpf-includes/class-logs.php , find this line:

$ip = ( wpfval( $_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR' ) ) ? substr( md5( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ),0, 32 ) : '-noip-';

And change it to this:

$ip = ( wpfval( $_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR' ) ) ? strip_tags( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) : '-noip-';


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I just double checked and all of my forums are configured for guest having "no access".  How would they get in?


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The no access doesn't matter. Visitor logging works even if they load the forum home page and even if on that page they don't see any forum. What is your forum home page? Can it be called?


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Thank you for the remote address code.  I do have access & will make the change.

Yes, the forum homepage is callable.  When not logged in, it lands on the title page with the icon for unread posts at the right (which is clickable with the full pulldown menu, but no text displays.)  I'd really like to redirect all traffic to the login page if the user isn't logged in. After typing in the url for the forum homepage, I checked the data base & log files.  Nothing is recorded in the visits table, but the wp log files do show access.  Under what specific circumstances is the visit actually logged in the db?

What concerns me is that this pattern happens after a new post occurs, which makes me think that some unknown user is receiving notifications. I've combed the database & don't find anything out of the ordinary in terms of unknown users (it's a small community) or access activity. I have no clue how to track something like this down.

Thank you

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