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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] User Mentioning Email without text

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Posts: 35
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Joined: 5 years ago

wpForo can send email notifications, if a user was meant inside a post. There are four shortcode / variables avaiable:


  • [mentioned-user-name] - Mentioned user display name
  • [author-user-name] - Post author display name
  • [topic-title] - Topic title
  • [post-url] - Link to the post

But there are no option to include a note about the mentioned text. For the New reply notification there is [reply_desc] available. And for New topic notification [topic_desc] is possible.

Imho, it would be senseful to have something like that for User Mentioning Email too. I miss this in every mail, I receive from the community at - and of my own wpForo installation.


2 Replies
Posts: 1861
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi @tahtu,

Thank you for the suggestion. We will add such a possibility in the next versions update. 

Posts: 41
Joined: 5 years ago

Another nice think, would be using shortcodes inside all mail bodies.

(I have the same mail header and footer for all mails with some links. So I would like to put all of that into a shortcode, I can develop myself.)