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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Users cannot change avatar once they pick it once

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Posted by: j753k

As far as the error, I do not have anything on my site except for the forum.. no large pictures

You didn't followed my, I meant this:

  • Increase your memory limit in wp-config.php. If you are on shared hosting you may have to ask your hosting provider to increase your memory limit for you.
  • Increase the maximum execution time in your php.ini file. This is not a WordPress core file so if you are not sure how to edit it, contact your hosting provider to ask them to increase your maximum execution time. See instructions for increasing maximum execution time.
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Joined: 9 years ago
Posted by: j753k

The avatar can be changed once, but then it is locked and it doesn't change when you try to upload a new image....All users on my forum are having this issue.

I just tested here, and I can change my avatars w/o any issue, you can check it here too. Please provide an exact example of image update, files, filenames, screenshots or videos. We can't debug this site specific issue without any information.

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I'm putting the same post here:

As far as I see you have many issues on your website with wpForo, something irregular is going on your end, nobody reports so many problems like you. Could you please install a test clean WordPress in some sub-directory and test wpForo? I think this is a WordPress installation or Theme issue. I can't support each  problem you have with your WP installation and Theme. wpForo doesn't have those problems in normal cases. Please do what I asked and then we'll help if the same problems will be on a clean WordPress. Also please leave the plan and the name of your hosting service.

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I use godaddy for wordpress, can you please recommend a theme or two that will work well with wpforo, thank you.

Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

We'd recommend HostGator or Bluehost hosting services. 

As per theme, I'd recommend to install a test clean WordPress site in subdirectory or in subDomain and test themes. wpForo works with almost all themes. But your current WP and Theme definitly incompatible with wpForo. So just start with clean WP and with default WordPress themes, then you'll see that wpForo has no problems, then try other themes.

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