Ok, so I deactivated the Ultimate Member plug-in and nothing changed. However after deactivating the auth0 plugin the "Change password" started working at the wpForo account page. When we activate auth0 and try to change password from wpForo account page or the Ultimate Member - it keeps saying "the old password doesn't match" or similar. But we need auth0.
The "Change password" works always from WP Dashboard>Users>Your profile. How could we make the wpForo account page communicate well with the auth0 plugin? Could it imitate the same that is done at WP Dashboard>Users>Your profile from the wordpress code for this password change to work?
Thanks a lot for gVectors support to Martin and Robert!
Where we can download the auth0 plugin, please leave some URL.
Thank you, Robert!
https://wordpress.org/plugins/auth0/ or https://auth0.com/wordpress