I've tried fixing this for the last little while using the info already available on here, but my replies are still dead slow. Each reply is taking over 1 minute and now everyone has stopped using my forum because of it.
I have installed GD Mail Queue (as i have to use WP Mail SMTP to send emails) and this hasn't changed anything speed wise. I've looked through the settings and I can't see anything that needs configuring inside GD Mail Queue. Should it just work "out of the box' so to speak?
I have also checked my site health and that says I have no cache plugin, which could be slowing it down... but as all of my websites pages contain wpforo forum pages, I can't use a cache plugin without breaking everything?
I have also installed Query Monitor, but the numbers it comes back with don't match up with whats going on. It says 1.5 seconds loading time when it is more like 1 minute 12 seconds.
I'm unsure what to do now and getting very frustrated with it as I have spent a lot on this website with all the addon plugins and it is now un-usable for users to the point everyone has stopped using it because of the slow reply times.
Can anyone help please? Thanks