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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] When I move all topics/content of forum A to forum B, how to have the old URLs redirect to new forum with 301 and not duplicate content?

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When I move all topics/content of forum A to forum B, the old forum-A URL, and the new forum-B URL BOTH work which causes duplicate content on two pages, which can affect my SEO negatively.

How to have old Forum-A URL to do a 301 Redirect to Forum B URL, instead? 

Thank you.

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Hi @mplusplus,

Please provide some example. Do some test move and leave URLs.

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Hi, Sure, here is a test:

I deleted forum 1-1 and moved all its content to forum 2-2.

Now BOTH URLs are working:

Forum 1-1, which was deleted and content was moved to Forum 2-1

Forum 2-1, the new forum:

This will cause SEO issues as Google considers this duplicate content.


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So, any update from your side, please?


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Hi @mplusplus,

Please don't worry about this, there is no problem related to SEO. It's designed to work in this way for the following reason. In case if the topic is moved to another forum, it'll be displayed without any issues. There is no page with such URL, and there is no way that the Google robot's scan it. 

Related topic below:

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That is not true. Google ALREADY has my current URLs without the need for a new scan, (thousands of them). So this WILL cause an SEO issue owing to duplicate content as the sitemap will have the new URL.

Ideally, wpForo should have a 301 Permanent redirect for such cases, and it will not be a huge thing to change the code, as your code already remembers the old URL.


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Ok, I see you. We'll add an option to handle redirect for forum admins who want it. So if you don't want make it available in the old forum. At least we'll change the canonical URL to the new location which will also stop duplicating the content. I've added this in our to-do list for near future releases. 

Currently, if the moved topics are not a lot, you can use some 301 Redirection plugin to redirect those manually.

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Great! Any approximate idea on when you can have that? A few weeks? a couple of months?

Thank you.