Hi, I have been searching for hours and can't figure out where this limit comes from. I am running a multisite and have set max file size in Network Settings to 3G. I have set the Advanced Attachment max file size to 3G then set the WPForo Posting & Editing>Attachments to 3G. Yet I am still limited to 50M as seen in the attached screenshot. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
probably in your PHP settings, max allowed size at _upload_max_filesize
Still, who is gonna upload 50M or 3G?
Please navigate to the Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Addons Settings > Advanced Attachments admin page and check the "Maximum File Size" option for each usergroup.
Please note all questions related to paid addons should be asked in the gVectors.com forum. Here we only support issues related to the free wpForo plugin.
The wpForo Advanced Attachments addon's support forum: https://gvectors.com/forum/wpforo-advanced-attachments/
Well, I installed a fresh copy of wpForo on one of my spare domains and the default Maximum allowed file size was 10MB.
I went to wpForo>Settings>Posting & Editor Settings and changed Maximum Upload File Size from 10MB to 512MB (the Server Upload Max Filesize and Post Max Size were both default at 1GB). This change to 512MB was immediately indicated on the front end and I was able to upload just fine.
I don't know why it doesn't work on my live site. I verified the HTML changes when I change the "Maximum Upload File Size" so it's getting the change, it's just not implementing it.
If anyone has any suggestions on how I can fix this, it would be a blessing. I don't want to be stuck at 50MB forever. This all started when I wanted to upload an 18 second video @ 86MB which failed of course.
This is now working. I couldn't figure out why what was showing on the backend in wpForo was not being reflected in the frontend. So, I deleted the plugin, re-installed and then I set everything up to 1G server side and 512MB in wpForo settings. Restarted the server and it finally changed from 50MB to 512MB as it should. Thanks for the assistance.