Aug 06, 2016 12:48 pm
That's because of your theme. Theme css can affect wpForo avatar style. Try this css code, it may help, just put it in Forums > Settings > Styles Tab - Custom CSS Code textarea:
.wpforo-widget-content .avatar {border-radius: 50%;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-members-wrap td.wpf-members-avatar .avatar {border-radius: 50%;}If it's not saved on first time, please try it again. Then go to front-end and do CTRL-F5 to reload css files. If you have cache plugins, don't forget delete all caches.
I have the same issue i put your code it work in widgets but in forums still square avatar also members online widget i can see a square border but image is round.
Do you have a topic where i can post bugs? I have found some more.
Aug 06, 2016 1:21 pm
It should not be always round, it depends on layout and page (forum, topic, post), just compare with our support forum if you want to find differences.
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