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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Why don't my 2nd and 3rd forum appear on the pages i designated them to be on?

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I Ilooked on my forums and the category for the 2nd forum is

[wpforo item="forum" id="17"]

he 3rd is

[wpforo item="forum" id="1"]


So that should be fine. But the pages are blank

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Not Blank but 404.


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how do i resolve that? please

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Hi @dallaz,

Please never duplicate topics in support forum. Next time we have to ban your account.

As per the issue, please make sure the pages you're using for shortcodes are not a child pages of forum page. Forum page should not have any child pages.

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hi robert,

Thank you. I wasn't sure if this would receive a follow up answer. noted

i am not very familiar with child themes but as far as i understand, i would have needed to create a child theme from a base one in the appearance-themes-upload section. I did not do this.

They used to work as their own pages but maybe something happened that caused the 404 issue


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You don't show the most important thing. The parent of these pages. I don't see page parent settings of this page. Why these pages have /esl-forums/ parent path??? The /esl-forums/ is the forum main path. Your pages should not be under this path. I think, they should not have parent paths, they should be like this:
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Hi Robert, thank you for the help.


It was a little too difficult to fix them so I managed to resolve the issue by just deleting the 2 pages and creating 2 new ones with the same [wpforo item="forum" id="17"] etciimplemented
