Hi, We are using wpForo on our site IACTM.com. When trying to access the dasboard of our WordPress based site (iactm.com/wp-admin), the page that loads is the sign in page for our wpforo ( https://iactm.org/tctn-forum/?wpforo=signin) and I am unable to access the admin panel of our website. This happened after I have changed the WordPress admin password. Any pointers as to what might cause the loading of the foro sign in page? Thank you
Hi @janjan,
Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page, disable the following options:
- Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URLΒ
- Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URLΒ
Hi, thank you for your swift reply. We have several WordPress based sites and are using the dasboard frequently to access various settings (see screenshot attached of one of our siteΒ΄s dashboard as an example). In case of the iactm.com website though, we are standing in front of a closed door because the dashboard is not even accessible since the password reset. The page from whichthe admin can usually access the dashboard and its various options simply does not show up. Once I am able to navigate to Dashboard, I will gladly follow your advice above. First though, what can I do to make it appear again instead of the wpForo login page for our users?