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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] wpforo custom theme

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Hey there, ive been reading documentation about theme and customize and so on

It says to create a new folder and copy only the files that we will replace in the custom theme

however i have a question that i dont see any anwser at all

what if i update the plugin i will lose my theme?
Or the wpforo theme folder should be in my theme folder?

If so, in this case, im using Oxygen builder and i dont use a theme, oxygen disable all the themes by default
Only thing i can use is code snippets

im thinking if there is a way to create a "child plugin?????"

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Hi @hakira,

what if i update the plugin i will lose my theme?

Please don't worry nothing will be lost. As described in the THEME CUSTOMIZATION documentation, the copied file will now automatically override the wpForo default theme file. All changes in this file will not be lost on the forum update.

IMPORTANT: Do not edit these files within the core plugin itself as they are overwritten during the upgrade process and any customizations will be lost.

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okay, i understand that, however, as also i mentioned, i have a little problem from my side.
I am using Oxygen Builder, and i do not have a theme at all. Oxygen dont use them

Even to use functions.php is needed or a custom plugin or something like code snippets
However, there is a custom plugin, that allow to write / override templates from woocommerce, but it dont work out of the box with wpforo ofc

Im wondering if something can also be changed here, to make it work with wpforo
i gonna put here the code

Source Code here


Add your custom PHP code inside this PHP file


add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'pauloxyb_after_setup_oxyb' );

function pauloxyb_after_setup_oxyb() {

//* Allow to override WC /templates path

add_filter( 'wc_get_template', 'pauloxyb_wc_template', 10, 5 );

add_filter( 'wc_get_template_part', 'pauloxyb_wc_template_part', 10, 3 );


function pauloxyb_wc_template( $located, $template_name, $args, $template_path, $default_path ) {

$newtpl = str_replace( 'woocommerce/templates', basename( POXYB_DIR ) . '/woocommerce', $located );

if ( file_exists( $newtpl ) )

return $newtpl;

return $located;


function pauloxyb_wc_template_part( $template, $slug, $name ) {

$newtpl = str_replace( 'woocommerce/templates',basename( POXYB_DIR ) . '/woocommerce', $template );

if ( file_exists( $newtpl ) )

return $newtpl;

return $template;


if something could be done, to load the wpforo custom theme from this plugin folder, then it might work
how i can call wpforo from another folder beside the theme folder

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I've just asked our developers about it and currently, I'm waiting for the response from them. I'll update the topic once I get some news for you.

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Hi @hakira

Have you tried the Forum setting which will "disable WordPress on front-end. Only forum pages and excluded post/pages will be available. wpForo will look like as a stand-alone forum."? 

If not, you can test it out and try it by going to 

  1. Forum Dashboard
  2. General 
  3. Then on the "Forum Base URL area, you will see a box  Turn WordPress to wpForo
  4. Then scroll down to "Update Options"
  5. On the Front end, press Control Key + F5 to refresh the page. 


More info here:

Good luck and God bless you! 🙂 

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@crisw you dont get it my friend

I am able to render wpforo and use wpforo
I dont want change anything to make it my frontpage or change wordpress theme, i want a custom wpforo theme, that will apply only to wpforo wrap

The thing is, Oxygen Builder "disable wordpress theme" he dont use wordpress themes at all, means no 2020 no _s no nothing

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Even if you say that you use the Oxygen Builder, and do not have a theme at all, however, please note if you use WordPress that means that you have a theme as well. You just need to find the WordPress theme, follow all steps described in the doc provided below, copy the certain or all files from /wpforo/wpf-themes/ directory into a folder within your current active WordPress theme named /wpforo/, keeping the same file structure.

But please note if you update your WordPress theme all customization will be lost. So please keep it somewhere.

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Hi, im sorry but i cannot do that, Oxygen Builder dont use theme.
I do not have any active theme with Oxygen builder.

Oxygen builder disable wordpress themes at all take a look here please

Anyway, i can try do that with the 2020 and see, if it will load from there anyway, 

thx for ur support

Will my theme work with Oxygen?

No. Oxygen completely disables the WordPress theme system. This means that while your theme won't conflict with Oxygen, its styles and layout also won't be applied to your site while Oxygen is active.

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Make small customization(in the folder provided in the above screenshot), following the customization doc, and see how it work. We think it will work.