Jun 26, 2019 10:30 pm
Before everything I apologize I do not know if I'm in the right place to publish this topic.
Is it possible that the design is independent?
that the template menu itself and the sidebars of the wodpress template do not leave me with the forum.
It's possible that the header of the wordpress template is hidden when you enter the forum address.
2 Replies
Jun 27, 2019 11:52 am
Hi @dllister,
I'm really sorry, but this requires customization in active theme files, but not wpForo. You should check in active theme page if the page is the wpForo page, you should change the header and footer as you like.
if( is_wpforo_page() )
Jun 27, 2019 3:35 pm
Hi @Sofy Thanks
I understand the point. But if I do that, it will make me change all the pages and I just want it to be on the page where the community is shown.