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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Wrong translation Slovakia without chance to translate phrase

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Hi. I just update my wpforo plugin to 1.8.1 and it is great. Thanks for great work 🙂

But I have little problem. I try new function with add topic and it seems that there is mistake with translation. I sand you screenshot. 

And second mistake is about phrase "Please Login or Register to reply topic"  First three words is translated but last words dont and when I am looking to phrase, there is not that phrase to translate. 


Thanks for your answer and help 🙂 


Keep going with great job with plugin 

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Here is second screenshot with wrong translation 🙂

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Hi. I find another one, that can not be translated from phrases, so maybe you can or You can show mé, how can I translate this to Slovák language. 


Thanks for answering 🙂 

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You can add new Phrases


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Posted by: @tutrix


You can add new Phrases


Thanks. And when I add new one, that will automatically change existing one?

And Last quiestion, do I need copy that phrase exaxtly right? I meen, in forum it show first wirds in slovak and Last in English so my guess is, that I need put new phrase all in English. I am right? Thanks 

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I try your advice, but it is only work for first phrase "ADD NEW FÓRUM"


Second and third phrases dont work, still the same


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code in the template

 public function please_login(){
if( !wpforo_is_bot() ){
$html = sprintf( '<div class="wpf-please-login">%1$s %2$s</div>',
wpforo_phrase('to reply to this topic.', false, 'lower')
echo apply_filters('wpforo_login_message_in_topic', $html);


to reply to this topic.


don't forget the point at the end
and clear the cache

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Posted by: @tutrix


code in the template

 public function please_login(){
if( !wpforo_is_bot() ){
$html = sprintf( '<div class="wpf-please-login">%1$s %2$s</div>',
wpforo_phrase('to reply to this topic.', false, 'lower')
echo apply_filters('wpforo_login_message_in_topic', $html);


to reply to this topic.


don't forget the point at the end
and clear the cache

Excuse mé, if it is stupid quiestion but im not technicall guy, but I just piť this in Dashboard themes and copy to CSS file or is there something with change themes in plugin core? 

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you "don't" have to change anything in the template, this was only for understanding the phrase

add new phrase

to reply to this topic. and  your translation.

thats all

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@tutrix thanks for answer.


I create new phrase also with point and still not work :/ 

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Phrase cache cleared?

Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page

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@tutrix yes of course.

Clear Caches of phrases and also cleared all Caches and on page CTRL + F5 as it is recommended and still the same.


Only translationed phrase is ADD NEW FÓRUM 

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Only this one change