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[Closed] Migration from Asgaros forum – problem with attachments

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Hi guys,

I wanted to migrate my Asgaros forum (version 1.14.2) to WPforo (version 1.6.1) , so I launched Go2wpForo Migration Tool (version 2.1.0) on my WordPress (version 5.1.1) site.

As I had some attachement files to retrieve, I indicated the path for the Asgaros attachements during the process, and everything seemed to be fine (three “OK” in green, including for attachments).

At the end, everything was retrieved (with no error message) and the WPforo forum was working, ….except for the attachements, none was transfered!

I made a test with a new message including an attachement in the fresh new WPforo forum, and it worked…

So where’s the problem?
Did someone have the same issue?
Some advices, please?

Thank you so much!

5 Answers

Hi @maxelio42,

Where we can se an example of Asgaros attached file that is not migrated? Have you used other plugins for attachments? Are you should those exist?

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NONE of the attachment files were migrated!

I used no other plugin than Asgaros to manage the forum, so the attachement files to migrate are stored in the following directory from my site : htdocs/wp-content/uploads/asgarosforum, with sub-directories named after each Asgaros post id (see attached image).

After the migration, and despite the fact that your plugin said everything was OK, there were no attachement files with the posts in WPForo forum page, and also no attachement files in your directories, should it be uploads/wpforo/attachments or uploads/wpforo/default_attachements.

By the way, what's the difference between these two directories?

When I published a test message with an attachment file, it was stored in the second one...

Thanks for your help!



Files are not moved to other folders. Files will stay in old folders. There is no file migration function in forum migration tool. However all posts should have those files in content and they should be available. So just don't delete files and all attachments will be available in wpForo posts.

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Ok, thanks.

I effectively noticed that the path to the attachment file was stored in the field named "body", in "wp_wpforo_posts" table.

But unfortunately, this field seems NOT to be completed during the migration process, so the freshly migrated messages that should have attachment files don't have this link in the "body" field, I checked that on my database.

However, the directories containing these attachment files really exists in "uploads/asgarosforum/...", as I showed in my previous message (see in  attached)!

Do you have an explanation about this issue?

 Could this issue be related to what is contained in a table named "wp_mg2wpforo"?

And last, you didn't answer this question : what's the difference between "uploads/wpforo/attachments" and "uploads/wpforo/default_attachements" directories?



ok @maxelio42,

Please provide us some example URLs to allow us to check it and provide some solution for you. 


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