you must remove the BBCodes
in the url
should look like this
you can do this manually in each post 😆
or with 2 phpMyAdmin SQL commands
update wp_wpforo_posts set body = replace(body,'[/video]?start=','?start=');
update wp_wpforo_posts set body = replace(body,'<p>[video=youtube]</p>','');
you can also use a plugin like > Search & Replace
but make a backup before 😉
visit my wpForo Community > Tutrix.de
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Thank you so much Tutrix for help my
in mi case, the way its via with 2 phpMyAdmin SQL commands, becasuse have hundreds of many post with youtube videos.
Do it the steps phpMyAdmin SQL commands but not work in forum:
update wp_wpforo_posts set body = replace(body,'[/video]?start=','?start=');
Anexo images preview:
Hi Tutrix
Yes, the table prefix its ok, in phpmyadmin have all tables ok with prefix.
anexo image preview:
Thank you so much for Support Tutrix 👍
update wp_wpforo_posts set body = replace(body,'[/video]','');
update wp_wpforo_posts set body = replace(body,'[video=youtube]','');