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[Closed] Database question

1 Posts
2 Users
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Is it possible to reset the database again after a successful migration? but only for the forum? I have currently imported a phpbb forum database for testing, but the original forum continued to run and thus a few posts were added. Do I have to reset the database or can I simply import the new database?

1 Answer

Hi @adriaan,

You should truncate the following tables, then deactivate the Go2wpForo Tool, activate it again and start the import again.

  • wp_mg2wpforo
  • wp_wpforo_forums
  • wp_wpforo_posts
  • wp_wpforo_topics

Use phpMyAdmin plugin or the phpMyAdmin tool in your Hosting Service > cPanel.


For any case, I recommend backup the whole database or just the tables with _wpforo_ secondary prefix before this manipulation.


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