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[Solved] Migration is not happening

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I've ran the migration tool and I have the successful message, but nothing has been migrated. 

Could you please advise?


3 Answers


If you have already performed the migration and see the migration numbers, then all should be migrated. You just need to go to wpForo > Forums admin page and put all blue panels under the main Migrated Forums category, then scroll down and save it.

Also, go to wpForo > Overview admin page and click the following buttons:

1.Update Forum Statistics
2.Update User Statistics
3.Delete All Caches

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Vilian Topic starter 24/05/2024 3:49 pm

@sofy As you can see on the attached screenshot in my previous post I have the successful migration message, but numbers are not changing, even after I've updated the statistics, forums, users, delete cache as you said.

To be more precise, I have migrated once from one phpbb3 forum and now I want to do another migration from a different phpbb3 forum to this one, so maybe there is some kind of bug when we are trying to do another migration to the same wpforo.


Hi @vilian,

So is this the second migration from another phpBB to wpForo?

If so please make sure the Categories and Forums exist in wpForo > Settings > Forums admin page. Please go that admin page and find them. If there is no any forum from the second phpBB forum then use the phpMyAdmin plugin or the same tool in your Hosting Panel and search it in wp_wpforo_forums table.

If you don't find any forum from the second phpBB you should delete the wp_wpforo_mg2wpforo table, deactivate Go2wpForo Tool, then activate it back and start the migration again.

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Vilian Topic starter 27/05/2024 7:32 am

Hey @robert 

Thank you, I had to completely removed and re-installed the plugin, as it didn't had any effect after a simple deactivate -reactivate. But it worked 🙂

Now my issue is that some of the migrated users are not mapped to the posts and therefore the posts are marked as written by Anonymous. I think to delete all migrated users and forums, but do you know other simple trick how to link them? If a user has 10 posts is easy, but I have people with around 2-6k posts which are not being linked.

Also, just to be sure, if I have already a person with the same username or password on the source and the target, does the migration happens by renaming the user from the source or I would have the error message that user or email is already existing? I'm asking because I've observed both scenarios and I don't know which one is the right now to happen. 




Vilian Topic starter 27/05/2024 9:11 am


In addition, I think it's gonna be very helpful if you can add the username or email address on question into the error message "Error: username or email already exists into our forum.", so the people can know which is the problematic user account.


Forum to Forum migration issues are complex issues and require deep review of each case. We’re sorry but we cannot support issues arisen during your forum migration. We only support questions related how to use and configure this tool in wpForo support forum. 

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