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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] How to monitor and restrict users not to add website links to the forum?

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This is nawin from I am using wpforo for my forums. Recently, I received a policy violation from Google Adsense stating one of the forum links (A registered member) supporting online gambling and this will restrict ad serving to my website.

Then I checked the link and removed the member who added online gambling website links and promotes their business in the about me section.

I would like to customize the user profile page so that one user can't add any website links to my forum.

Help me as soon as possible.

otherwise, I will delete the plugin as my AdSense revenue is getting crossed by these kinds of stuff.

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Not related to your question but i see you use LiteSpeed caching with wpForo. No caching plays well with wpForo, this has been talked here several times. It will create issues, possible crashes or it will serve OLD content to visitors.

Exclude the wpForo page from caching (the page with the shortcode).

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Hi @nawin

read this topic/post > How to stop profile spam?

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@tutrix What to do with the code(where to add) that @sofy mentioned there

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add them into your WP theme’s functions.php or use Code Snippets plugin

> How to Easily Add Custom Code in WordPress (without Breaking Your Site)

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Why punish your members for c**p spammers get up to by disabling features for them?

Turn off Enable User Profile Page indexing in Settings/features. Add your member page url to the "No Index" list in Tools/Misc

In Usergroups turn off "can view members", "can view signature", "can view member website" and "Can view member social networks" for the Guest group.

Can also use an Access Control plugin to do URI redirects or  for any Guest who tries view restricted parts of your forum.

Google should then ever see profiles.

Lastly, 99.99% of WP security plugins do a poor job of blocking spammer registrations. The only way to completely block them out is to use backend site security. But here be dragons and you will need to know how to operate such scripts, so only for advanced admins. 

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@verek Look i am punishing or against anything. I am ok if they are posting good websites or their own. But few illiterate pieceof shittss sharing poker websites thats against adsense privacy policy. Not only this these unwanted websites are in my do follow links list as well...

i've done what you said. But what exactly i want is.

  • How can i set this link to no follow
  • Or if i cant do the above option how can I edit the users not to add any of the links

Replys will be appreciated..🙂


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Hi @nawin,

wpForo adds nofollow to all external links automatically. So, if you Disable User Profile Page indexing as well, that will stop indexing all external link not matter where are they inserted.

Disable the User Profile Page indexing option from Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page.