I’m using Wordpress and have wpForo forum as a plug-in. All was well until last week when I noticed that the forum doesn’t appear on the mobile site like on my iPad or iphone. But it appears just fine in the MacBook’s safari website. When I tried the customising section in Wordpress, I notice that when I switch to mobile appearance mode, the forum doesn’t appear. But on the full website it appears. I have tried to make sure Page URL and Forum URL are the same. But still can’t figure it out.
Hi @fluidspin,
The issue comes from your current active theme and has no any relation to wpForo. On the mobile screen, it adds {display: none;} CSS rule, thus the forum doesn't show.
Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page, put the following CSS code in "Custom CSS Code", textarea, save it, delete all caches, and check again.
@media (max-width: 768px){
.fl-visible-desktop, .fl-visible-desktop-medium, .fl-visible-medium, .fl-col-group .fl-visible-desktop.fl-col, .fl-col-group .fl-visible-desktop-medium.fl-col, .fl-col-group .fl-visible-medium.fl-col {
display: block !important;
Thank you! Will try it out tomorrow when I can.