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[Closed] Integration with WPEverest USer Registration plugins

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Hi WPForo,

I have a couple of issues to deal with. I needed a good user login and registration plugin that supports more than just Facebook for login. I looked at several and chose User Registration. Most of the other tools I found did not integrate well with WPForo, weren't ready for WP 5.7 or were overkill for what I needed.

I noticed that this software program is not on your integration list. and there doesn't seem to be a way to integrate your accounts page with their account page.

I could have just sent the new users to your profile page, but you generate that page on the fly and there isn't a static page for me to link to. This was also the problem with several other  user registration plugins I tried.

I tried using the WPForo shortcode for profile, but that looks absolutely horrid and isn't even close to your actual profile layout. Please see attached.

Is there a way to setup your account page as a static page using short codes that I can redirect new users to that will look good? The plugin I'm using can't accept a URI that isn't already a page in WordPress.




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You don't need a user registration plugin, you just need a social login plugin. Almost all social login plugins should work fine for wpForo because wpForo has all WP native hooks on the registration page. So the social login plugins will add the social login buttons on the wpForo user registration page without any issue. So please remove the user registration plugin you have and search for social login plugins.

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I did at first, I tried the Nextend one, but it put the login buttons under the login box and the CSS clashed with your login and registration CSS which made the type unreadable.
Next I tried UserWP, but the code was wonky and didn't seem to work well on our site.
I also tried Social Share by Heateor but ran into configuration problems with that one as well. The only one I haven't tried was MiniOrange and Hetaeor's more basic social login plugin.

I guess I'll try those two and see if I can figure out how to make this work. If you have any recommendations as to social logins that have worked with other users that would be appreciated.


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Please install some Social Login and let me know. I'll provide a small css code to fix the buttons style issues.

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Hi Robert,

I tried the social plugin from MiniOrange. It is easy to set up and includes robust shortcodes.

But there is still interference between the WPForo CSS and the MiniOrange CSS.

On the login form:

  1. Buttons are flush left instead of centered.
  2. Buttons should be slightly larger (246x34)
  3. Twitter icon is too small, font-size set to 100%, should be 1.6em
  4. Twitter icon color is set to #777777, should be #ffffff

On the registration form:

  1. Twitter icon is too small. font-size is set to 100%, should be 1.6em
  2. I was able to correctly size the buttons due to the use of a shortcode from MiniOrange and a custom member field with HTML. Nice.

I am looking for:

  • Way to customize the login page like the registration page would be great (probably not on the devs to do list)
  • Prioritize .mo_btn-social above .wp-foro-wrap so options I choose in the MO plugin will apply correctly to their buttons or CSS code that will at least fix the buttons as they are now.

You can see the login and registration page at

You can see how they render properly at



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Put this CSS code in the Forums > Settings > Styles > Custom CSS Code textarea, save it, delete all caches, go to the registration page and click Ctrl+F5 to reset browser cache:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-field.wpf-field-type-html.wpf-field-name-namerules{
     text-align: center;
     display: flex;
     justify-content: center;
     align-items: flex-start;
     flex-direction: row;
     flex-wrap: wrap;
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .mo-openid-app-icons {
     font-size: initial;
     flex-basis: 100%;
     text-align: center;
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .mo-openid-app-icons .mo_btn.login-button{
     display: inline-block;
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .mo-openid-app-icons .mo_btn-social > :first-child {
    font-size: 28px !important;
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Hi Robert,

OK, for the most part that worked fairly well.

On the login page the Twitter icon is still #777777. I've tried to adjust the settings in the MO plugin but no effect. I tried editing the CSS you gave me, but WPForo CSS is still taking precedence over the MO plugin settings for the Twitter icon color on the login page.

One other thing, when I was testing the login page in responsive design mode, the way our theme and WPForo work together pushes the login boxes down and hides the login with Twitter button.

There is a lot of dead space in the mobile version of the login box. Any way we can tighten up the spacing for the login page? For instance, there is a section called wpforo-subtop that does not look like it needs to display on this screen. And there is a fair amount of other dead space on the login screen. If that could be tightened or you could point me to the spot it can be done I would appreciate that. I thought I saw something about the login/registration pages being setup in php someplace?

I will contact tagdiv to see if they can help me remove the page title and breadcrumbs at the top. We don't need those on WPForo pages. But please let me know if there is any way to make that smaller, especially on mobile.




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If you put

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap 

prefix to any class or id of any plugin css they'll get more priority.

For example:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .mo-openid-app-icons {