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Need "access restriced" message for non-forum-members

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Hi, I run wpforo on BuddyBoss along with PaidMembershipsPro (inkl. wpforo-plugin "wpForo - Paid Memberships Pro Integration" - that means I can grant access to a forum via PMPro membership levels). This works great. 

I have a community level which has no access to a certain CEO-Forum. I want them to see the forum is available but they shall not be able to read. Therefore the link is still available in the menu bar.

Now, when they click on the menulink "ceo-forum" the forum page opens but only displays the boards title. No topics displayed as they were restricted by me. It's basically a blank page + the boards title and home-icon (breadcrump). This is correct but not so nice.

Question: Is it possible to display an "access restricted" message like "Sorry, you're not allowed to follow this forum. Please upgrade your membership"?

Would that be within wpforo or rather PMPro?

Thank you.