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Hello colleagues. My forum is a community of traders from Russia 26 thousand messages. We discuss all trading instruments from commodities, currencies and stocks. We invite all beginners and not only traders who are interested in making money on promotions. You can read us as a translator. 

Modest design

I don't know how to make an empty field for a new comment right under the topic header. Now thanks to the support WPFORO the last comment became the first on YouTube!
But scrolling the page down to an empty field to write a new comment is a nightmare. Help. How to do it like this?
Or so
Many times Martin, the kindest person, helped me with support. Special thanks to him
This topic was modified 4 years ago 6 times by alexas

Posted : 17/12/2020 12:15 pm
Posts: 1861
Member Moderator

Hi @alexas,

Hello colleagues. My forum is a community of traders from Russia  26 thousand messages. We discuss all trading instruments from commodities, currencies and stocks. We invite all beginners and not only traders who are interested in making money on promotions. You can read us as a translator. 

Thank you for sharing the forum. It looks very nice.

I don't know how to make an empty field for a new comment right under the topic header............
But scrolling the page down to an empty field to write a new comment is a nightmare. Help. How to do it like this?

As far as I understand you use the wpDiscuz plugin for comment. If yes, then please register and open a new support topic in the support forum. This is the wpForo support forum. Here we only support the question related to the wpForo core plugin.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 17/12/2020 12:47 pm
alexas reacted
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Posted by: @alvina

Hi @alexas,

Hello colleagues. My forum is a community of traders from Russia  26 thousand messages. We discuss all trading instruments from commodities, currencies and stocks. We invite all beginners and not only traders who are interested in making money on promotions. You can read us as a translator. 

Thank you for sharing the forum. It looks very nice.

I don't know how to make an empty field for a new comment right under the topic header............
But scrolling the page down to an empty field to write a new comment is a nightmare. Help. How to do it like this?

As far as I understand you use the wpDiscuz plugin for comment. If yes, then please register and open a new support topic in the support forum. This is the wpForo support forum. Here we only support the question related to the wpForo core plugin.

I am grateful for your assistance.
There is a plugin on my forum .... and I need everything to be like on YouTube. Where last comment goes top and I got some help from Robert with support yesterday and I really appreciate the hook provided for comments.
And I also need the empty field to be at the top, and not at the bottom as I have now. I had to reduce from 50 comments to 20 pages, because you get tired of turning the mouse wheel!
And people are already puzzled on the forum and write to me.
Therefore, I asked for help and gave examples of two different forums. Yes, just an example from YouTube must be taken and that's it or our WordPress!

Posted : 17/12/2020 1:52 pm
Posts: 10587
Support Team Admin
Posted by: @alexas

I don't know how to make an empty field for a new comment right under the topic header.

I'm sorry, but it's not possible. There is no way to move the reply form under the first post.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 18/12/2020 8:12 am
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Posted by: @robert
Posted by: @alexas

I don't know how to make an empty field for a new comment right under the topic header.

I'm sorry, but it's not possible. There is no way to move the reply form under the first post.

Very sorry. In Russia, all the leading forums on the topic of trading have made comments in this way, and these are self-made forums, as I understand it, not on engines. All this requires a lot of money ...
Tell me then, Robert. After inserting the hook about the last and 1 comment, I have some errors from my Samsung android phone and from my laptop. When you click on the right on the last comments, nothing happens or it does not send to the last comment, but to the topic header, and there is the first old message, for example from 2017, the beginning of the topic.
That is, the hook works every other time.
Can you take a look, Robert, what could be the matter and can you fix my forum by link? Or you will have to remove your hook and it's a shame.

Posted : 18/12/2020 2:05 pm
Posts: 10587
Support Team Admin
Posted by: @alexas

When you click on the right on the last comments, nothing happens or it does not send to the last comment, but to the topic header, and there is the first old message, for example from 2017, the beginning of the topic.

Make sure you're using the latest wpForo version and clear all caches. For the further support please open a new support topic in the corresponding category:

The current topic is a forum showcase topic, this topic should not be used for discussion of issues and problems.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 18/12/2020 5:46 pm
alexas reacted
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Наконец-то заменил форум, сделав его главной страницей и теперь так выглядит форум
Больше нет ничего лишнего! Удален плагин кеширования Колибри. Все работает шустрее. На сайте уже за последние 2 месяца рост посещаемости + 300% Я просто удалил старый поддомен с кучей ошибок, и статьи на главной странице и так 5 дней назад форум был главной страницей.
Сейчас поиск Яндекс, который является лидером в стране России, все переиндексирует и, как я понимаю, переиндексирует. И адреса стали короче и наверняка будет рост от поиска.
За все благодарю разработчиков форума и лично Мартина Романа))

For some reason, the brakes became when editing your comment, you have to wait 1 minute. I cleared all the caches more than once.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by alexas

Posted : 12/02/2021 12:59 pm
Posts: 34
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Can you please tell me if I need to enable this item in the "enable output buffer" settings if I have a shortcode and the main page has become a forum?

Removed the plugin's private messages because it worries who and what writes to each other, and the owner of the resource is responsible for everything ... and education does not allow reading other people's letters.

I also disabled forum statistics in the forum basement.

Also, the reduction of the code affects, I hope, the speed of the page and the main one is now loading very sharply on GTMetrix! rates 99% and 93% from London if. 

Pagespeed google mob 91% comp 98%.


And I don't need a caching plugin anymore as WPFORO just handles caching just fine if all forum caching settings are enabled! After all, the fewer plugins, the faster the speed is simply and brilliantly. Well, this is certainly for a "teapot" like me.

My task was to maximize the site loading speed, and over time I will still remove the statistics code from Yandex search. It would be wonderful if the WPFORO developers made a picture below the number of visitors per day, and so that it was possible to disable this function.Then everyone would remove all these huge codes from the header from Google and Yandex and in the search the forums would become higher.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by alexas

Posted : 05/03/2021 2:47 pm
Robert reacted
Posts: 10587
Support Team Admin
Posted by: @alexas

Can you please tell me if I need to enable this item in the "enable output buffer" settings if I have a shortcode and the main page has become a forum?

If the forum is not displayed before website header section then you should not change that setting. This setting allows you to load forum section under website header and above the footer. So, if all is ok, then just don't change this option.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 08/03/2021 2:19 pm
alexas reacted
Posts: 34
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Posted by: @robert
Posted by: @alexas

Can you please tell me if I need to enable this item in the "enable output buffer" settings if I have a shortcode and the main page has become a forum?

If the forum is not displayed before website header section then you should not change that setting. This setting allows you to load forum section under website header and above the footer. So, if all is ok, then just don't change this option.

Thank you very much!!!

Posted : 08/03/2021 2:49 pm
Posts: 34
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I was amazed at how the forum speed increased after installing /// 8.0. 2 times increased! And the error began to issue at the bottom of the page under the forum comment after updating to the latest version PHP 8.0
What to do? The shortening of the forum overclocked pagespeed mobile 91% and desktop 100% to indicators, but I wanted more.
Please tell me how can I install a new version already PHP on the hosting so that there are no such problems? ...
I don’t know what it’s connected with, but this version PHP really flies and search engines will rejoice.

Earlier, when installing this new version on a hosting PHP a plugin gave an error CAPTCHA BANK.
And now the forum plugin itself. Please help me very much! You have always helped me for which I am very grateful and grateful to the developers of the forum WPFORO.

And also in the management console of the forum after installation ... 8.0 PHP "imagick extension" is not available to become writes. For you to know, this may be important.

I had to rollback again PHP to the old version 7.4. It's like putting tractor wheels on a Mercedes. The forum can run much faster if set to 8.0 PHP.

Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: Unknown format specifier " " in /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ sprintf('\xD0\x9C\xD0\xB0\xD0\xBA\xD1\x81\xD0\xB8\xD0\xBC\xD0\xB0\xD0...', '2MB') #1 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpForoAttachments->add_frontend_form_button() #2 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array) #3 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ do_action('wpforo_reply_fo...', Array, Array) #5 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpforo_reply_form_extra(Array, Array) #6 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpForoForm->form_extra(Array) #7 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpForoForm->field_tinymce(Array) #8 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpForoForm->field(Array) #9 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpForoForm->build_field(Array) #10 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpForoForm->build(Array) #11 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpforo_fields(Array) #12 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpForoTemplate->reply_form(Array) #13 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ include('/var/www/u11427...') #14 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ wpforo_template() #15 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ include('/var/www/u11427...') #16 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ require_once('/var/www/u11427...') #17 /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ require('/var/www/u11427...') #18 {main} thrown in /var/www/u1142719/data/www/ on line 696
This post was modified 4 years ago 3 times by alexas

Posted : 14/03/2021 2:50 pm
Posts: 10587
Support Team Admin


This error comes from the wpForo Advanced Attachments addon. Make sure you're using the latest version of wpForo and the Attachments addon. If you don't have the latest version, please update or disable the addon or downgrade the php to 7.4.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 14/03/2021 2:59 pm
Posts: 34
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Автор: @robert


Эта ошибка возникает из-за дополнения wpForo Advanced Attachments. Убедитесь, что вы используете последнюю версию wpForo и дополнения Attachments. Если у вас нет последней версии, обновите или отключите надстройку или понизьте версию php до 7.4.

Роберт Спасибо Большое !!! Thank you !!! Instant answer I'm shocked by the speed support, nowhere is there a team like yours. Let's be content with such indicators from Google! But that means it can be even better and there is no limit to perfection!


This post was modified 4 years ago 3 times by alexas

Posted : 14/03/2021 3:02 pm
Posts: 34
Eminent Member
Topic starter

After the view of the forum has been made "threaded" topic labels do not open. Where have I disabled or not enabled something? Thank you so much. This look is much better and there are 2 topics with 1.2 million views, it turns out, I did not know!

Posted : 16/03/2021 12:06 pm
Posts: 10587
Support Team Admin
Posted by: @alexas

After the view of the forum has been made "threaded" topic labels do not open. Where have I disabled or not enabled something? Thank you so much. This look is much better and there are 2 topics with 1.2 million views, it turns out, I did not know!

The style and CSS is totally crashed and affected by your theme or by some custom CSS code you have. Also, it may be affected by other plugins. I tried to find some fixer CSS code, but I didn't. You should do either disable all plugins and check it. If the issue is not fixed you should change the website theme or change the layout.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 17/03/2021 2:14 pm
alexas reacted