After a long time of using wpForo, here is my new design.
Integrated Plugins:
wpForo Addons
1. wpForo Ad Manager
2. wpForo Topic Prefix & Tag Manager
3. wpForo Syntax Highlighter
4. wpForo Emoticons
5. wpForo User Custom Fields
6. wpForo Advanced Attachments
7. wpForo Private Messages
Wordpress Plugins
Wise Chat (Pro)
WP User Online (Footer)
Code Snippets (to integrate PHP functions)
and self integrated functions
tooglen (forums, widgets, footer)
scrollmenu (categories)
admin and moderator colors and badge
User Custom Fields (under the avatar in post)
watch the video >
or visit my forum >
If you also want to have some functions, you need basic knowledge in PHP, CSS and a lot of time 😀
I think it's the best forum I've seen in my life 😍
My Test Forum
منتدى تقارب التطويري
سبحان الله وبحمده .. سبحان الله العظيم
How did you do this part?
this is the WP UserOnline plugin
All PHP codes are listed on the plugin page and also in the readme.txt of the plugin
Use the code you want to have displayed and paste it into footer.php(wpForo)
Then use css to adapt to your forum design
But remember that you have to do this again after every forum update
And only change something in the templates if you know and understand what you are doing
Beautiful design, but:
- Very heavy to load
- Too much file request
- Confusing and definitely not for busy forums
Thanks for your constructive criticism
I'm currently having problems with the server, so the page sometimes loads very slowly
But I'm aware that the scripts, images and animations need time to load 😀
the design looks good but i agree with some others in this thread that its also a little confusing.
It's best to think of his site as a demo (a proof of concept if you will) of all that is possible with PHP edits, CSS styling and some custom JS.
Sure, you do not necessarily want your own site to be so load heavy or busy but he offers plenty of customizations to cherry pick from - for free as far as I can tell - that will enhance site visitor experience. For that he gets applause.
I maintain several websites and receive inquiries about various functions, like for example the chat, some mouse hover effects or the scrolling animation.
Then I test on my own website how these functions can be integrated.
Therefore my forum is "a little bit" overloaded with customizations. 😎
But many functions I remove again when the integration has worked flawlessly