Trusted Member
Topics: 8 / Replies: 27
RE: NextN, ยกActualidad Nintendo! - Spanish

Thanks to you for making wpForo possible ๐Ÿ˜‰

8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2019
RE: WPforo Crossposting?

Thanks for the response, Robert. For me it's too late :(((. I can't install a system like this without having a few days to prove it. Maybe I'll wait ...

8 years ago
RE: WPforo Crossposting?

Sorry for the insistence :(. In the past I have tested several crossposting systems (with SimplePress, phpBB, etc.), and have required a lot of testin...

8 years ago
RE: WPforo Crossposting?

Great! Thanks!!! ;D

8 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 3661
RE: WP Editor User with WPForo Admin or Mod rights can not see Moderation panel

Posted by: heyday Thanks for the update... ya we can't let our Moderators be Admin in Wordpress so looking forward to a future release ๐Ÿ™‚ The same hap...

8 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.3.0 is released!

In my case, upgraded to version 1.3, and it works really well. I have 31 forums, more than 9,000 topics, and 38,100 posts, and I notice improvement wi...

8 years ago
RE: WpDiscuz Integration

Posted by: Robert Hi Alias79, Please note, the wpForo Crossposting Addon doesn't have any relation to Social Networks. It's Blog Crossposting solutio...

8 years ago
RE: WpDiscuz Integration

I look forward "crossposting" since I installed WPforo last summer. The problem I see, think we have all those who try to give a chance to forums to t...

8 years ago
RE: adsense ?

I just solved it provisionally with another plugin.

8 years ago
RE: adsense ?

Tomorrow I start a major campaign, and I need to insert an ad on the forum page. Is there any temporary solution while the addon arrives? I'm looking ...

8 years ago
RE: Display issues inside thread

ยกOh! Sorry, I did not know that menu. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜‰

8 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1927
RE: SimplePress Migration

Hi Robert! Not only those tables in the image. The original SimplePress DB is lower in size in comparision with the new migrated DB of wpForo. This ma...

8 years ago
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