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[Closed] WP Editor User with WPForo Admin or Mod rights can not see Moderation panel

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Hi Guys,

I have an wordpress user with Editor Role and in WPForo I've set them up as Admin and also tested the Mod rights.

They can see the Moderation link in the menu but the panel is blank so they can not moderate any messages. 

Screenshot here:

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Blank, empty, usually mean a fatal error. Anything in debug.log ? Or your browser debuger ?

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Please follow to this support topic:

I've already explained, this is a permission issue. The Moderation admin page is only available for Admin(WP)/Admin(wpForo). We'll make t more flexible and it'll support WP Usergroups as well in future releases.

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Posts: 49

Thanks for the update... ya we can't let our Moderators be Admin in Wordpress so looking forward to a future release 🙂

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Posted by: heyday

Thanks for the update... ya we can't let our Moderators be Admin in Wordpress so looking forward to a future release 🙂

The same happens in my case. I have volunteers as moderators who don't know what is "WordPress". Hopefully it will be resolved in a future version ;), for now I will deactivate moderation.