Unless if I missed something...
The "Emails" tab in the setup does not include "Notify Admins via email on new Topic/Reply to moderate"
I think it should be added as part of the new feature.
The admin should be notified about this event. That eliminate checking the dashboard.
Thank You
I agree, it gets my vote 🙂
If a topic is new, it doesn't matter it's approved or unapproved, you'll be notified (if you've enabled this option). I don't see the mean to have a separate option for "New Topic" and "New Unapproved" topic. If you want to get notified about new topics you also want to get notified about approved and unapproved topics.
It is important and also different and I'll try to explain it.
When the forum is small and have little activity then it is minor.
But as it grows I would like to see only the exceptions and not all. If I get mail for all I'll not have a good night sleep.
Spam - it is an event
New topic- it is an event
Unapproved topic/post - it is an event
So we cannot mix mail delivery for new topic with non approved topic.
Therefor I need to see only what is raising a red flag.
Thank you
I'm sorry but we have no plans for this. I'll let our team know about this suggestion.